Crack is back... I mean, Councilman Barry!
I wonder how long it'll take me to NOT make a joke about our old DC mayor...
Barry received about 57 percent of the votes cast with his remarkable victory over Sandy Allen.
Taken from the Washington Post:
Barry, 68, was nearly mobbed as he arrived late yesterday at his campaign headquarters near Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard SE. After he stepped out of his white SUV, he began to dance to a live band set up under a tent.
As a throng of reporters converged upon him, Barry pointed a slender finger. "I told you so. I told you so," he said.
Hmm... tell me what, Barry? You have a tendency to leave a mark with your statements...
"Bitch set me up."
"What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?"
"I read a funny story about how the Republicans freed the slaves. The Republicans are the ones who created slavery by law in the 1600's. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was not a Republican."
Let's hope Barry doesn't revisit the Vista Hotel anytime soon. Ah, let the Barry jokes roll on in.
Just finished listening to Brad Trackman's comedy cd "Safecracker". Terribly nice guy I got to meet when he opened for John Pinette at the DC Improv. He also offers free tickets to his shows on his website.
"Not a big fan of the "guy friends" I had a girl, and I don't like her having guy friends. You going to dinner with "Luke"... Oh what I'm going to do? Oh I'm going to read the a movie, follow you with my truck. Hard to be a man."
"Women are like safecrackers and men have to figure out the combination... everynight. We know how to 'get' into the safe. We crack it open. We say anything to get into that 'safe'. I like you for you. 23 left. We don't have to have sex, we can just cuddle. 34 right."
Thought that was clever. :)
Last great comedy album I heard was David Cross' "It's Not Funny", which was also taped at the DC Improv. Some people may be put off by his occasional condescending delivery and frequent bursts of sarcasm. I adore it. "It's Not Funny" is actually quite hilarious.
My favorite album is Dane Cook's "Harmful if Swallowed". I saw Mr. Cook live and he's absolutely hysterical. Can't wait to get that CD. His recent material is quicker and more off the wall.
Why do they call it a rest room? Is anybody really just going in there to rest? And, who is so pissed off when they go into the restroom that they have to carve the most ignorant crap into the walls?
I'll end on this note:
What is Mayor Barry's favorite television show?
``Totally Hidden Video''

--Blog on, bitches. Leezuhhl Out.--
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