Happy New Year!!!
Or shall I say, L'shana tovah! Can you smell the matzahball soup? I'm starting to drool uncontrollably, so will someone invite me to Rosh Hashanah dinner already?? I love Brisket, too. Um Yummy...

*Pours a bottle of Manischewitz onto the concrete*
This blog is for my Jewish Homies. (I go meshugeneh over the big holidays.)
Just because I'm a Shikseh-(Non-Jewish girl) doesn't necessarily mean I can't get down with my fellow homies.
--Never teach your mother how to "text" on a cell phone. You'll get messages like this:
pekpek mo.
If you knew what that meant in our native tongue, you'd know exactly why I had to slap my face into my palms when I received the text at work. I thought she was sending me a nice surprise at work, too. (candy, lunch, singing telegram, etc.) BaH. Goes to show you that mothers are definitely crazy loons.
I love postcards. Don't you?? I got this one early this morning from Meg, a good friend back home in North Jersey.

P.S. Happy Birthday Dan Moran!! My friend, my brother. (Beating those girls down with that stick of yours in Connecticut I see.) Chicks dig guys who go to Law School. You'll be getting more ass than a prostitute on payday ;)
Speaking of ass, I should head out to my corner. (off 14th Street) I mean work.
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