Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores

Of course, this involves an over abundance of Pepperidge Farm's Chocolate Chunk Dark Chocolate Pecan cookies. Some would call this a chocolate treat, I say this is an ongoing sweet tooth addiction. I have an addiction. I have an addiction.

Certum est quia impossibile

In case you can't translate the "funny words", and for the life of you can't figure it out yourself... it's in Latin. Yes, the dead language. Who takes Latin for 6 years instead of Spanglish? Yes. Me.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'm not so excited about it, given my family isn't going to do anything tomorrow. Bastards. We gotta be the oddball family in G-town to celebrate it on another day. What is this, a cheap relationship? It's like celebrating Valentine's Day on the 15th, because everything is half off ;) Or getting an eyepatch & a plethora of Pokemon cards?? You know who you are. *Slaps face into palm.*

So here I am. Momentarily I will be at work. (This whole going to work early thing is OVERRATED) Maybe it's because I'm homesick. Maybe it's because I enjoy the holidays with my family, (instead of some country club in Bethesda). Whatever it is, I'm going to need more than Pepperdige Farm cookies to get me through this day/week.

Here's a Liezelism for you: (Thanks to my lunch outing yesterday)

Branchman: Yeah, that's bizarre. Kinda like catching "Jason has a 14 inch cock carved into the bathroom wall here at this fine dining institution.
Me: How so?
Branchman: That is, before I added the "1" to it...
Me: That's terrible. Someone must have replaced the word "small" I have carved and replaced it with the 4.
Branchman: Bitch.
Me: Hey, carving that shit into a bathroom wall involves a lot of dedication, skill with a knife, and tons of bottled up anger.
Branchman: Still, you could've at least added "small but amazing"
Me: You mean, "amazing" it's not regarded as a second belly button. You know, Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.
Branchman: That's quite sad.
Me: Not as sad as realizing he'll have more "cock" in his name than you'll ever have in your pants.
Branchman: You got me there.

Amazing what a surprise visit to your favorite manager/friend at your local watering hole will get you. A free meal and a comedy hour.

Had a falling out with a gf the other night. (Honestly, I'm being added to people's shit list everyday) She and I had an argument about one thing, and it blew up to her "other" issues. I care for her a great deal. I just don't care for her extra-curricular activities with people she shouldn't be involved with. That's just me.

Getting the impression that most of the people I know want to start disagreements with me (just for the hell of it.) It's quite frustrating. Maybe I should reserve my thoughts to myself, huh?

Whatever the case. I have to go to work. You know the drill.

P.S. Saw the Incredibles. Pixar has done it again. Brilliant. To the punk ass kids sitting in the back, making all that ruckus.

....And I'm spent.

P.P.S. I apologize to everyone who has had this happen to them. I understand it's a serious problem among men and it's no laughing matter. Once again, my apologies.

What am I thankful for:

My family. Without them I wouldn't feel complete.
My friends. Some of which, I could do without. But nevertheless, play a big part.
My life. The ability to live just one more day. To love living. Living to love.

What are you thankful for?


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