“Be Kind Rewind" filmed in Passaic, New Jersey!
Finally. The multiethnic city of my childhood gets recognition beyond my wildest dreams. *Insert long forgotten "Jersey" accent here* Forget about it.

Did you know that my hometown of Passaic has been called "The Birthplace of Television". In 1931, experimental television station W2XCD began transmitting from DeForest Radio Corp. in Passaic. It has been called the first television station to transmit to the home, and was the first such station to broadcast a feature film. (Beat that Tempe, Arizona! *shakes fist angrily*)
Tons of greats hailed from this great city of Passaic. First to come to mind is actor Paul Rudd. (From Clueless, Knocked Up, and The Shape of Things by Neil LaBlute (American film director, screen writer and playwright. Not a Passaic native, but a great mind nonetheless.)
I'd also like to mention Joe Piscopo. He's not as cute as Paul Rudd, so that's all I'm going to say about Joe. I'd love to say that my favorite author Dorothy Parker walked the streets of Passaic, but she hung around West End, New Jersey.
Please Be Kind Rewind article from the New York Times. Enjoy.
(Even though this is awhile past release) This post makes me wanna check out the movie.
I'd always thought that the first TV broadcast had to do with Edison's Menlo Park, but I look it up and sure enough Passaic is the place (whadda I know; I'm from the NW)... :)
Fuck Passaic! Fuck St. Mary's! Fuck the Class of 1998 (cause it was right before mine)! Haha. I'm an old friend who's happy to see you're doing well. I actually saw you on a repeat of Dinner: Impossible and couldn't believe it was you. A quick look through a year book and google search and sure enough it was you. Congrats on your success. We should catch up if you're ever back in NYC.
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