Monday, May 23, 2005

Men are so simple and yield so readily to the desires of the moment that he who will trick will always find another who will suffer to be tricked.

-Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)

Women have long left the cave, yet communication between the sexes will undoubtedly never change. It'd be just easier to get clubbed over the head and pulled by my hair, to get a real man around here. Hell, at least I know they were interested.

Goes to show the mentality of men in general. Haven't been living long enough to date everyone on the planet, but I've dated (or simply talked to) a few to know men well enough that they are all the same. And I didn't have to write a Pulitzer for that piece of information.

The various types of men should be noted:

-GoofBall (usually class clown in school, never serious, always out for a joke)

-Jock (always looking to score, on and off the field)

-Suit (has power lunches and time crunches to compensate for other things)

-Player (will charm you, deceive you, while hooking up with your gf)

-Momma's Boy (seems like a good idea to date him, but you'll date his mother too.)

-Nerd (mostly likes odd ball hobbies and hours on the internet, and "hot babes" )

-Boy next door (usually a midwestern boy, has good morals, but can be hard to please)

-Intellectual (has a high IQ, but rarely has the common sense to show respect)

Anyone of these types can fall victim to another category. The jock can also be a nerd and goofball, while the suit can be the intellectual and player, and still have difficulty getting your name right. Anyone of these types of men will fall into one of these categories at one point, or all at the same time.

When it comes to women and dating, do men have the upper hand? Surely this seems like an easy question to answer, but is it? Machiavelli is synonymous with deviousness, cruelty, and willfully destructive rationality; no thinker was ever so demonized or misunderstood than Machiavelli. I can't help but think that men and women have evolved underneath a Machiavellian way of dating.

My incredulity in the face of all the evidence is hard to understand. Yet, I feel there's a strong tie between the interaction between the sexes and Machiavelli's writings. The rationality of each sex is so far off from one another, it's amazing to see why we've gotten along these past couple of years.

More on this later, folks. At this rate, with my experience with men, we'll be here until the end of time.

--Daniel, thanks for the Haiku you wrote on me. Enlightening and thought provoking. I didn't know my actions spoke for me, even when I didn't say much.

--Random guy at KramerBooks in Dupont yesterday, thanks for the chit chat while in line. I am honored you shared a bit of your writing. Thanks for looking at mine as well. You made waiting in line bearable. You also gave me an idea for this blog and for a short story. Not too shabby for a guy who thinks he's bad at creating.


At Thursday, May 26, 2005 2:38:00 AM , Blogger Dern said...

This is likely unfounded, unheralded, and unwanted, but (if I remember rightly from an earlier post)

Hope your have/having/had a Happy Birthday.


Hawai'i Dork.


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