Intelligence is NOT what you think

A Catholic, a Protestant, and a Jew were talking to a friend who said he had just been given six months to live.
"What would you do," the man asked the Catholic, "if your doctor gave you six months to live?"
"Ah!" said the Catholic. "I would give all my belongings to the church, take communion every Sunday, and say Hail Marys regularly."
"And you?" he asked the Protestant.
"I would sell everything and go on a world cruise and have a great time!"
"And you?" he said to the Jew.
"Me?" I would see another doctor."
That is intelligence!
This morning I grabbed some breakfast and a cup of joe to start off the day. I gave the cashier $10 to pay off my $7 bill. The person behind the counter looked confused. (More or less like a deer in headlights.) I asked if anything was wrong and he replied, "No. Um. Huh... I'm guessing I need to give you $4.50. But I don't have enough $5 bills. Let me figure this out." I gave him a minute to "rethink" this transaction and what he just said to me. All I needed was $3 friggin bucks back. So, the sick and twisted person that I am, began to screw with him. I gave him .50 cents to throw him more into a loop. Mission accomplished. He ended up giving me $6.50 back and told me, "Thank God you helped me. I would have never figured this out. Have a great day." He then helped the next person as I gathered my belongings together. I gave back the $3.50 and smiled at him. Before I left, I said, "Don't worry, it happens to the best of us."
... I'm going to hell. Care to join me? :)
P.S. Shout out to a Mr. Shawn Westfall for moving along the improv auditions and making callbacks. Terribly excited for you, you Woodley Park "G". And I read your blog, beyotch.
--Midnight Madness at the Comcast Center tonight, baby!! 9pm is when the madness begins. GO TERPS! (Damn shame I forgot to get tickets. Grrrr.) Gary, let's bring those Terps to an undefeated season!!!!
I'll see you in hell.....
(can't get enough of the blog, a good read :) )
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