Tuesday, August 03, 2004

S-M-R-T... I am so smart.

Put those thinking caps BACK on ya damn Republicans
I read in the drudgereport that Republicans are pressing plans for eliminating the IRS. All this brainstorming, and without their thinking caps. Now this is a tax cut we can truly do without as a country. If this were to happen, (which I'm pretty sure it's not) I'd probably get to enjoy fatter paychecks. Yet, I'd have to pay hell of a lot more for items I purchase. No, thank you. Taxes are a vicious cycle of cock-tease money laundering. Business pays corporate tax which then pays their employees with the money left. Employees get income taxed which then gets sales taxed. In turn, that money goes back into businesses to start the cycle again. Money does make the world go round, eh?

Liezelism of the day: IRS= Acronym for Insurmountable Raping Skills


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