Friendship is a bond that can never be broken. (Unless your "friend" ran over your cat, killed your first unborn child, or slept with your neighbor's second wife) A true testatment of love and friendship is the ability to remain friends through the great times and of course, the *
Farshnoshket* times.
*Yiddish for drunk* I will use this blog as a marriage to my idiocy and quick wits. Please join me on this voyage of truth & enlightenment. I promise it will be fun. I will offer refunds after the ride has come to a complete and utter halt. Who knows, we may end up on a road to friendship. Or hell. Either path should make for an interesting blog.
This is my WELCOME greeting to my blog. It isn't much to fancy at the moment. In due time, this blog will echo the colors of life, love, and laughter much like any great piece of art. I've only begun to grace my blank canvas...
I will not lie to you. From time to time I will ramble on the most influential events of life as well as the most insignificant ones. Or maybe I can just skip it all together and talk about the greatest ice cream flavor of all time. Which of course is Peanut Butter & Chocolate Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins. But I digress. Today is my day of birth after all. I'm a year wiser, hell of a lot sexier, and I've acquired the skills needed to beat up your honor roll kid. (I'm 24 today, I expect gifts) And Go.
This is my offical theme song for my blog. Learn to love it. I did.
If your life were a film, would you watch it? You're given only one take to making the movie of your life, make it a good one.
Here are a few snippets via word collage of what I'm about:(pardon the rambling) Petite chick full of sass & charm; movie-goer fan;in love with the sense of humor of Conan O'Brien, Dane Cook, Robin Williams, Mike Meyers, Mel Brooks, Dave Chappelle (to name a few); insatiable appetite to communicate; Gemini; Sex and the City addict; secretly adores shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Trading Spaces, While You're Out, & Celebrity Poker; enjoys a good book, not pop ups either; wishes she owned a walk-in closet (what woman wouldn't?); learning improvisational comedy is my new love; Johhny Depp=gorgeous; college hoops fanatic; actress (given the right role); older sister; "Forget about it"; loyal friend; just one of the boys watching hoops, drinking beer, playing pool; easily eager to doll it up to charm the pants off of you; huge trash talker; adventurer by choice; inquisitive by nature; I listen to all sorts of music; Music is my meditation; thoughts are constantly brewing in my little noggin; I'm a snack lover, no snack is safe; not a fan of smoking... cigarettes; at a loss for words in NOT my forte; needs help figuring out when I've said too much. :)
I have composed an ode to the good ol' JOYSEE days. I'm a Jersey girl born & raised, what can I say? (Don't read too much into it. I'm hardly sober as is)
Ode to the good ol' JOYZEE days
I am a Jersey Girl. I curse a lot, I say "yo" and I sure as hell don't pump my own gas (damn these self serve pumps around here). I know what real pizza tastes like. I know that a bagel is much more than a fuckin' roll with a hole in the middle. All good nights must end at a diner, preferably with cheese fries or a cheese steak sub. And yes, it's a sub, not a grinder, hoagie, or worse a hero, and I wash it down with soda, not pop. Two words: mother fucker. I don't go to the beach, I go down the shore. I have a dawg, and I drink cawfee. I know that 65 mph really means 80. When someone cuts me off, they get the horn AND the finger. I am a motherfuckin' JERSEY Girl. So quit busting my chops.
*NOTE: I will try to make this blog more enjoyable for your reading pleasure. Each post will have some sort of link to click to enchance the "Liezel" experience. I'm glad I finally found a home for my silly ramblings. It's also MUCH cheaper than seeing a shrink.*