Vis-a-vis with a caveat on disheartened prospects
Through the years of exhausted research: Countless rail drinks at happy hour, handful of horrible dates, random encounters, annoying cat calls, and flimsy come on lines; I have come to a grandiose conclusion.
Men are horrible at picking up and meeting women.
As if I wasn't capable of making an ass out of myself in public, you so-called "pick up artists" need to step up your game when you're in hot date pursuit while out at the bars. Doubling as both a bar patron and data collector, I find this piteously amusing, and insightful.
As a smart and confident woman, it's not in my best interest to accept these "digits" from you strangers and take what you have to say to heart. I'm out playing my own game, and part of that fun is throwing you off yours.
Needless to say that I'm not some sort of man-hater. I'm actually on your side. Of course it's hard for you "men-about-town" to meet those of the opposite sex. Simply because the women sought have these endearing tendencies of being insecure, cold-hearted, stupid, and utterly annoying. I would know, some of these hussies are girlfriends/wives/friends/lovers of my own male friends. What about the other women, you ask? Just like myself, these women know better than to succumb to some random Jedi-mind fuck, and a lousy lay. It's a personal choice we all have to make, eventually.
Why the post? Well, I find myself collecting ripped up pieces of paper ( receipts, matchbook covers, biz cards, a CD cover...) all filled with phone numbers from the men of this DC Metro area. It's as if I had a sign on my forehead flashing: "In need of your phone number, I seem to have lost mine."
For the men lolloping through the pubs and dives, I will offer up a few tips to save you time, money, and wasted effort:
-If a woman is reading: The Washington Post, a book, the backside of your inane t-shirt, a magazine, etc. Do NOT bother her. She clearly isn't there to converse; well, with you that is.
-If a woman is walking down the street, please make it a point to leave your catcalls and dog whistles at the local park. Is her tail wagging? No. Is that a bone in your pants? Yes. You don't see her egging you on...
-If a woman is looking at you, do not STARE back. She was either doing two things: Simply that, just "looking." Or checking out the person BEHIND you. You can never be too sure. (It could also be the beer list directly above you, too.)
-Don't offer your information to a woman unless you know she wants it. Otherwise, she won't use it. The only ones who would be interested are the folks who use that sort of data for identification fraud and things of that nature.
-If you're going to purchase the woman a drink, ask her if she fancies "rail" liquor. First impressions are VERY important. You don't want her to think you're cheap. Not until the third date, at the very least.
-NEVER approach a woman conveying these words: Heeeeey Guurl. You got a man? All while you lick your lips and glossing a look at her from head to toe, and then peeking around to drool at her backside.
-Work on eye movement. There's a big difference between "sexy" eyes, and creepy as all hell wide-eyed gazes. You're not a deer in headlights. You are capable of blinking. This is an involuntary action so there's no need to write this part down on the back of your hand.
-Don't screw up the woman's name. You don't want her calling you Mr. JackAss, so don't call her sweetie pie to mask the fact that you can't "listen."
Not that I have had any experience with any of these magical encounters. (Right.)
It's frustrating to see that men still test the waters, though no signs were given that their was an interest to begin with, and assume that you do want to be approached by a complete and utter stranger. (*Sigh* I await the day when my "Knight in Grand Marnier armor" knocks my socks off) Hell, he's lucky if he can get past me saying, "Fuck off."
I had two men in ear shot trying to outwit one another during a Happy Hour; but they both knew I was paying a great amount of attention to their conversation. The winner being? None. Alpha males, my ass. Guys, you might as well unzip and whip it out. *Flop* Whose penis is the largest? *Zip* Whose girth outshines the rest? *Flop. Flop* :) I foresee the dating future involving tons of dick flopping, and "best in shows." I'd hate to be the judge when that happens... "I'll go with the guy with the least amount of sores. Thank you all for playing "Trying to get my fuck on with the Asian girl." Men are terribly insatiable, however the majority seem to know how to acquire what they often desire. Some of you are in a whole other category, but I rather not "generalize."
Albeit I'm poking fun at the attempts of men picking me up, there is also a small amount of flattery that goes along with it. Yes, I'm quite cute. And yes, I'm delightful to be around. Furthermore, it's an affirmation that men want what's really important... "A great set of thoughts with a matching pair of word usage." It's a strange experience to be ogled over. But is it better to be the oglee than the ogler?
What do I do with the numbers you ask? Normally I rewrite the same information, changing only the male's name and inserting the fake bar name I've given myself that particular evening. "Sure, give me a call some time, Bob. Here's my number" I'll say. *Slides over another man's cell phone number and e-mail address* "I hope to hear from you soon", while I snicker and walk away. Never to see this person again, unless in a police line up or on an alert sheet at the local post office.
Honestly, you don't want to waste paper. The trees really do cry when you waste paper, so I "recycle" the numbers given to me, and give them to those who need them the most. I give you, the "pick-up artists" to each other. A present within itself.
If you will, imagine this:
What if there were Mystery Shops for the guys getting these numbers? Only here will the best of the best shine forth. Mystery Shoppers will be making sure you're doing all the right moves, asking the right questions, and always "closing the deal." This results in a score card and percentage on the performance a week later. Scrutinizing every mannerism, fake laugh, and cologne choice used. Come to think about it, aren't we all Mystery Shop Daters? I think the appropriate name for this agency should be "Date This."