Tuesday, November 30, 2004

It is a far, far better thing...

...That I'm not walking on catwalks in Milan. ;)

But I do I have one thing to say:
"sachey, chantey, chantey, chantey, chantey chantey chantey"

Work! (turn to the left)
Work! (now turn to the right)
Work! (sachey chantey)

Here are some fun pics from the photo shoot I had two weekends ago. Thanks to a wonderful photographer, it was a fun shoot. (Can't wait to see the shots when they're done.) These are the "fun" ones that I made faces or decided NOT to look at the camera. Way to waste film, Liezel. Hey, that's how I "roll".

Found something funny online: Enjoy. (Think I found a new way to keep lean. Read on)

Hey Fat Americans, Trying to Lose Those Holiday Pounds?

Well, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe would like to help. According to the London Times Zimbabwe's new "Obesity Tourism Strategy" aims to "bring in obese tourists from overseas so that they can shed pounds doing manual labour on land seized from white farmers."

The Times quotes a government newspaper:

Tourists can provide labour for farms in the hope of shedding weight while enjoying the tourism experience... Tour organisers may promote this programme internationally and bring in tourists, while agriculturalists can employ the tourists as free farm labour.

The tourists can then top it all by flaunting their slim bodies on a sun-downer cruise on the Zambezi or surveying the majestic Great Zimbabwe ruins.”

The Times article notes that this outlandish strategy demonstraits "how far the Mugabe regime has descended into a fantasy world."

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores

Of course, this involves an over abundance of Pepperidge Farm's Chocolate Chunk Dark Chocolate Pecan cookies. Some would call this a chocolate treat, I say this is an ongoing sweet tooth addiction. I have an addiction. I have an addiction.

Certum est quia impossibile

In case you can't translate the "funny words", and for the life of you can't figure it out yourself... it's in Latin. Yes, the dead language. Who takes Latin for 6 years instead of Spanglish? Yes. Me.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'm not so excited about it, given my family isn't going to do anything tomorrow. Bastards. We gotta be the oddball family in G-town to celebrate it on another day. What is this, a cheap relationship? It's like celebrating Valentine's Day on the 15th, because everything is half off ;) Or getting an eyepatch & a plethora of Pokemon cards?? You know who you are. *Slaps face into palm.*

So here I am. Momentarily I will be at work. (This whole going to work early thing is OVERRATED) Maybe it's because I'm homesick. Maybe it's because I enjoy the holidays with my family, (instead of some country club in Bethesda). Whatever it is, I'm going to need more than Pepperdige Farm cookies to get me through this day/week.

Here's a Liezelism for you: (Thanks to my lunch outing yesterday)

Branchman: Yeah, that's bizarre. Kinda like catching "Jason has a 14 inch cock carved into the bathroom wall here at this fine dining institution.
Me: How so?
Branchman: That is, before I added the "1" to it...
Me: That's terrible. Someone must have replaced the word "small" I have carved and replaced it with the 4.
Branchman: Bitch.
Me: Hey, carving that shit into a bathroom wall involves a lot of dedication, skill with a knife, and tons of bottled up anger.
Branchman: Still, you could've at least added "small but amazing"
Me: You mean, "amazing" it's not regarded as a second belly button. You know, Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button.
Branchman: That's quite sad.
Me: Not as sad as realizing he'll have more "cock" in his name than you'll ever have in your pants.
Branchman: You got me there.

Amazing what a surprise visit to your favorite manager/friend at your local watering hole will get you. A free meal and a comedy hour.

Had a falling out with a gf the other night. (Honestly, I'm being added to people's shit list everyday) She and I had an argument about one thing, and it blew up to her "other" issues. I care for her a great deal. I just don't care for her extra-curricular activities with people she shouldn't be involved with. That's just me.

Getting the impression that most of the people I know want to start disagreements with me (just for the hell of it.) It's quite frustrating. Maybe I should reserve my thoughts to myself, huh?

Whatever the case. I have to go to work. You know the drill.

P.S. Saw the Incredibles. Pixar has done it again. Brilliant. To the punk ass kids sitting in the back, making all that ruckus.

....And I'm spent.

P.P.S. I apologize to everyone who has had this happen to them. I understand it's a serious problem among men and it's no laughing matter. Once again, my apologies.

What am I thankful for:

My family. Without them I wouldn't feel complete.
My friends. Some of which, I could do without. But nevertheless, play a big part.
My life. The ability to live just one more day. To love living. Living to love.

What are you thankful for?

Monday, November 22, 2004

Honestly, who does that?!?!

Dick move of the Day: Being a dick.

Early in at work. Weekend: Actor networking on Friday, Photo shoot on Saturday, walking around Adams Morgan in DC on Sunday. All great nights end at the Diner. Night cap at Tryst for coffee & conversation. (Thanks Big M)

Wish I wasn't here. NYC, I miss the hell outta you. God, please get me out of here. The lighting of the tree, frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity, horse ride in Central Park, walking around the greatest city in the world... Wish I was there. NYC is my favorite place in the first snow. Sigh.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Somebody's got a case of the Thursdays...

What a day at work! (Paperwork. Paperwork. Paperwork.) At one point, we decided it'd be better if we just threw shit everywhere. So we did. Ellise & I eventually threw in the towel. We fought the paper, and the paper won. I go from pissed off in the first picture to 'someone ran over my dog' look in the last. Ellise is just straight up in pain in that picture. Poor Ellise. Enjoy our misery. And the funny faces, bitches.

Folks. I can't wait until this work week is over. I CANNOT stress enough how much I want this week to be OVER and done with. One more work day... then a free weekend.

Yes. That is a new suit & haircut I'm ruining. Uh, I mean sporting. By the way, if you're ever stressed out at work, just throw shit everywhere. Seriously, it made us laugh. (Until we realized we had pick up the "thousands" of papers.) JB, our fellow co-worker, decided to join in. He's not pictured, but he's also part of our mess.

That's all I got folks. Just trying to keep on, keepin on...

Lack of faith. In dire need of some. Can I get an AMEN? I said, can I get an AMEN?

Yes, the lack of attendance at Sunday's mass plays a big part. Actually, not really. Preach on sista Leezuhhl. Preach on.

I've been thinking about people lately. Some people are meant to piss you off. Some to make you feel good when you're down and out. And the rest, well, they're there to add variety to your life. (the very spice of life, some say) So, why doubt your friends? Your family? Your loved ones? Even yourself? Sometimes life does get in the way of life. When it comes to relationships, (not just ones with others) but with yourself, it's awfully difficult to have faith.

"You're always a little disappointing in person because you can't be the edited essence of yourself."

I'm starting to doubt people. Again. I can't help but wonder if people are just selfish bastards wrapped up in friendly conversations and crooked smiles. I"m tired of people saying they're fine, when you know damn well they're not. Are we afraid to show emotion? Are we afraid to let everyone else know that you have feelings? Playing it cool all the time has consequences, eventually something is going to nip at your tinker. Beginning to think we're all the same. All FULL OF SHIT and we couldn't care less.

Now, there are a few exceptions. It's different for everyone, so I won't name mine. You'll know who'll you'll save in a burning building, people. Let's not try and save face. ;) I'm not "hating" on people because they ran over my cat. I'm more likely to thank them for getting rid of Whiskers. (Kitty Litter is just how is sounds... messy.) People are quite funny that way. It's the people you least expect that usually end up hiding a lot more than a Swiss bank account.

I noticed a common thread by listening to random conversations from people of all walks of life. (Co-worker's, friends, old couple in line at StarBucks...) You can't have faith in someone without trust. Well, there you have it folks. Most people wouldn't trust their own mothers. Hands down, most of us wouldn't trust our own damn selves! It's rare to find someone who can honestly say, "No, I have my utmost faith in people because I believe people are good." HAHAHA. Wow, I think I saw that afterschool special once upon a time. I'm guessing that's why it's difficult for people to trust. NO ONE SEEMS TO TRUST ANYONE anymore.

What brings this on? The tiresome and vicious cycle of people being afraid. If I could get into detail about the wonderful people in my life, I would. That's why I choose to write about people when I find the time. There's no big plot, just short stories of people I've been lucky to come across. I can't name names, but I'll give you examples. This is why I need to write a book. I got more dirt than a Catholic priest during Lent. :) I wouldn't exclude myself. Just like everyone else, I got my own story to tell.

At the moment, I know of 3 people in my life who are afraid. Afraid to speak. Afraid to love. Afraid to learn. Not saying having fear is bad thing. You just can't let it get in the way of living. It's good to have the right balance of faith/fear. Relationships are terribly fascinating to me. I enjoy learning about the various ways we communicate and interact with one another. It's quite the mind boggler, really. Amazing how much we all deal with similar issues, yet we never admit to having any in the first place.

"Meredith" is a young lady who is currently dating an unemployed younger man. Nice guy. I met him once, seemed harmless. Yet, "Meredith" doesn't want to let go because she feels bad for him. Oh, and he's her first love. Aw. (Build your bridge, honey. AND GET OVER IT!) She says she's grown attached, and would miss him. Miss him like a bad rash, I say! She doesn't want to hurt him and doesn't want to end up alone. It's funny that situations like these only happen to attractive, smart women. I told her she needs to find a MAN and not a young boy to love and she responds, "I'm afraid I'm going to hurt him if I told him how I really felt." Tsk. Tsk Tsk. She's been itching to find a man who'll actually pay for that McDonald's dinner. She's tired of using her ATM card at the drive thru. Wish she could just realize she's better than McDonald's. She could find someone who actually has a job and will take her out to places that don't have happy meals. Why be afraid to speak your mind in this situation. Worse case scenario: He'll realize he needs a damn job. Realizes he will lose her. Eventually he'll be a man and take his woman out once in a while. OR he'll say screw it. I can find someone else. But how else would you know if you didn't talk about it, honey? "Meredith" is bound to get hurt. Or hurt someone else in this case.

"Josh" is a friend of mine who I think was an ex-husband of mine in a previous lifetime. (Love-Hate relationship that will never cross that friendship line.) He seems to pick up the wrong kind of women. Or the wrong kind of women pick him. Great guy, wouldn't hurt a fly, terribly sincere, and fiercely loyal to those he cares about the most. God, he sounds like a really awesome dating ad. Ladies, highlight this section of my blog if you'd like. ;) His previous relationship involved a woman who seemed normal. Sweet, cute, and perky. Until one day she open the flood gates of drama hell. Of course, "Josh" being the great guy that he is, stood by her, held her hand, called her late nights to make sure things were well, and what does he get in return?? Yes, she's moved on. To an asshole. Why do bad things happen to good people? I don't know. He's now afraid to love because it's not worth giving your heart away if someone is bound to break it. He likes this girl now, but I know he doesn't want to get too close. I can understand that, but I see he's happier. I see it in his eyes. He's fallen for her and he doesn't even need to tell me so. I know he wouldn't admit it, but he thinks she's too good for him. I say, "There's no such thing. Your fabulous selves cross each other out and create a whole new kind of fabulous. Together." He shouldn't be afraid to love and trust her. He's a great guy. Damnit, I promised myself I wouldn't cry. I'm fine now. But I shake my fist against all crazy women out there who make life hell for men/women everywhere. Bastards. I enjoy conversations with him about relationships. It's funny, we mentioned last week that's it's much easier talking to a friend about it, then the actually persons involved. That "safety net" is put back up when emotions are at a stake. Funny how we can be comfortable speaking from the heart to one person, and to another we shut down like porn shops in NYC.

Last, and certainly not least. "Becky" is a friend who's afraid to learn from her previous mistakes. She's the type of woman you can slap in the face once, then again, and she wouldn't think about getting you back. (She's got that much faith in people) She feels that "eventually" we all find the good in everyone. I asked her one day if she ever lets her "guard up" with people, to prevent from getting hurt. Her response, "Now, that's silly. If they care about me, why should I doubt them? Wouldn't it save time by believing them?" Yikes. I got her on speed dial just in case that moment comes and she realizes that you can't trust everyone. Sad, but true. I'd hate to be her therapist. The thing is, you never stop learning. You learn something new every damn day. Every damn day. She's stuck at one way of thinking about people. Oh, she'll learn.

It's tough for me to preach about this. I can get on my soap box and preach on to my friends, but I don't know much more than they do. I'm still figuring it out myself. Relationships are these half assed versions of the game "telephone". (The childhood game in which you use soup cans & attach to strings to communicate. The ghetto version of a walkie talkie, if you will.) If you're not paying attention and you miss the conversation, you get disconnected sooner that you think. As they say in the sales world, "Listen in for cues. Listen in to the customers needs." Someone may just be telling you something without actually having to say it.

Oh, that reminds me. My friend "Sarah" is a lovely woman with insecurities that'll put the short bus kids to shame. She is terribly attractive, yet she feels like she's not "IT". Not what the boys are looking for, she says. She fears that she won't find someone because she doesn't have an arse like J-Lo. Hell, I can offer some of mine. "Sarah" is trying to find a man that would appreciate her. Un-big butt and all. She's scared that all men are just pigs. (Wow, it only took her 29 years on this earth to figure that out.) Yet, she's thinking about butt implants. Her insecurities lay deeper than the superficial, but she can't continue thinking that she's not "IT". She's so IT, she's the SHIT. Insecurities can hurt a relationship. Whether it's based on looks, trust, etc. I fear she'll pass up many great opportunities because she feels she's too tall and fat. Insecurities are blankets to our emotions. We tend to use them as a fallout shelter for our hearts.

Yes, even I have off ball fears. Fears that I can't shake off. Even if I tried. What I fear the most? Not being accepted and appreciated for who I am. Fear I'll die at any moment and not have a single soul know who I was and what I was really about. (What am I about? Wouldn't you like to know.) But that's what makes us unique. Different. We fear, think, love, and share differently. But when it comes to faith, we're all on the same page. We all lack just a bit too much. With ourselves, and with one another.

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. The only real valuable thing is intuition. Without it, you'd be lost.

As George Michael once said in a song, "Yes I've gotta have faith..."

I was up until 4am last night studying for a big exam tomorrow at the bank. I took a mental break listening to music, added some ideas/thoughts to my stories, and discovered that we're all insecure sons of a bitches. Amazingly, we're just ashamed to say so. Can I get an AMEN?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Musik zu meinen Ohren

-German for "music to my ears."

Before the uncontrolled proliferation of the Internet, and my subsequent susceptibility to the ad infinitum contents therein, I was always pleased to find answers to questions by looking it up in a "book". (Gasp.) You mean, you looked up information for a reference in a, er, what did you call it again? Yes, there was a time when google-ing wasn't even a thought.

It is now Google that I run to in times of informational need. YIKES.

All of this came to mind as I came across a webiste with a passage from Matthew Battles' Library, in which he refers to Harvard's Widener Library:

"In the stacks of the library, I have the distinct impression that its millions of volumes may indeed contain the entirety of human experience: that they make not a model for but a model of the universe. Fluttering down the foot-worn marble stairs that drop into the building's bowels, descending through layer after layer of pungent books, I am often struck by the sense that everything happening outside must have its printed counterpart somewhere in the stacks."

With this model in mind, it stands to reason that a personal library represents the sphere of awareness that constitutes the universe of one individual. That would explain why any question that was deemed of personal import could be answered with the works at hand. We surround ourselves with things, in this case books, that matter to us and speak to us. Should our curiosity lure us to terra incognita, there is always the mother ship to rely upon.

Battles also posits that there is a certain danger involved in suggesting that the mysteries of the universe can be elucidated through the library model. If all the permutations and combinations of scrolls, papyri, incunabula, manuscripts, books, newspapers, and periodicals can lead us to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, we may be driven mad as the volume of information, whether that be manifest in physical or virtual format, exponentially multiplies. Perhaps then, Battles notes, "if the world can be compressed into a library, then why not into a single book--why not into a single word?"

How about a number, perhaps?

The following has absolutely no connection to what was stated above... Sorry.

Morning Observation:
If this weather keeps up, I may just have to resort to a career in cutting glass for a living... with my nipples. I'm. Damn. Cold.

Afternoon Prediction:
Hiding the girls away with a clever device we call "pasties". Why? I'm not going to forecast the weather for the banking customers at work.

Friday, November 12, 2004

They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil...

Way down among Brazilians
Coffee beans grow by the billions
So they've got to find those extra cups to fill
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil
You can't get cherry soda
'Cause they've got to fill that quota
And the way things are I'll bet they never will
They've got a zillion tons of coffee in Brazil
No tea or tomato juice
You'll see no potato juice
The planters down in Santos all say no no no
The politician's daughter
Was accused of drinking water
And was fined a great big fifty dollar bill
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil
You date a girl and find out later
She smells just like a percolator
Her perfume was made right on the grill
Why they could percolate the ocean in Brazil
And when their ham and eggs need savor
Coffee ketchup gives 'em flavor
Coffee pickles way outsell the dill
Why they put coffee in the coffee in Brazil
So your lead to the local color
Serving coffee with a cruller
Dunking doesn't take a lot of skill
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil

Coffee. (Need coffee. Lots of coffee.) This song popped in my head after a short lived power nap this morning. It's going to be on heavy cd rotation in my player, and in my head. That's right, Frank. They put coffee in the coffee in Brazil. Sing it, blue eyes.

**In the great words of Charlotte from Sex in the City,after a night of drinking: "Ugh. My hair hurts."

Thursday, November 11, 2004

If the MOMA is intellectually artful, then AIM is delightfully playful

In a conversation I had earlier on AIM. My friend LadySlim044 wishes she was a guru. In many ways, she really is. (And also plays a mean game of b-ball)

LadySlim044: all men ask dumb questions like that because they want to feel like theyre needed
BoinkyGirl: haha.
BoinkyGirl: so do women. so do women.
LadySlim044: yep
BoinkyGirl: hey. i'm quoting you on that. you are now on my blog.
LadySlim044: lol
LadySlim044: i wish i was a guru
BoinkyGirl: hahaha

Let the beauty linger in my soul,
Of firelight in a darkened room,
Of kindly words,
Of lovers' laughter coming through the night,
Until, at last,
I know no greater peace nor ease
But to remember these.

"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
-Groucho Marx quote

"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
-Groucho Marx quote

There's a saying out there that people who rarely speak their mind are the ones you should be weary of. For when they do speak, they'll just blow your mind away. The silent thinkers are often the ones with the most to say, they just never find the right opportunity to do so. Why trouble anyone with your thoughts, they might say. Well, for one, you may have something important for us to hear...

End Scene. Cue curtain.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Chivalry is very sexy.... so is chocolate walnut brownies. :)

To do is to be - Descartes
To be is to do - Sartre
Do be do be do - Frank Sinatra

Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.

P.S. I await chocolate walnut brownies at work today. I love suprises. Shh... Don't tell Lisa that I know she's bringing them to work. :) Have a day off tomorrow. So don't bug me about me your damn accounts. Even GOD had a day off, bitches.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Letters from camp. Well, sorta.

It's been a while since I've blogged. I'll keep you up to date with some letters I've sent from camp: (Let's not forget that I'm a young professional, have a full time job, and have an off the wall kind of sense of humor) Enjoy:

Dear Mom:

The kids are dorky. The food stinks. The only time we really have fun is late night back at the bunks. I'm going to try and earn ALL my badges this weekend. Say hi to Dad and the dog for me. P.S. Did you forget to pack my cold sore cream?

Dear Mom:

Camp is OK. Last night we had Chinese food and the smell made me homesick. Not sure why anyone wouldn't bring a rice cooker to camp. I mean, doesn't everyone have rice with every meal anymore?? Gotta go, have arts & crafts at 5 with old cd's. Pretty swell, huh?

Dear Mom:

Don't worry Mom. We do regular camp stuff. We told ghost stories around the cabin bunk beds and the camp director wanted us to get naked. Apparently it's 'scarier' when we're all nude. It was real neat. But I wasn't scared. I was a real trooper. I don't have much of a tan, because we rarely get to go outside. The activity list is as follows:
-Bed inspection
-Panty raid
-Wallet making class
-CPR class for girls 16 and under
-Panty raid
-After lunch cuddling (also therapeutic for the fat kids like me)
-Macaroni & shells montage art class
-Panty raid
-Snack time at Cabin 6. (It's usually dark in there, and smells like bleach)
-Camp Director riding. We couldn't afford the horse this year, so the camp couselors offer rides to all the kids in camp. Odd they give rides inside the cabins...
-Dinner at the mess hall. We call it the "armpit of the camp"
-Letter writing/phone calls
-Lights out. So the camp counselors can sneak in.

I'm having a great time at camp. Better than last year's. That wimp camp I went to last year fed us weird food too. Lay off, Mom. I'm okay, really.

Hope to see you guys soon. I miss you.

Dear Mom,

I'm ok really. I'm eating enough. Definitely sleeping enough after we get tucked in by the counselors. Can you send more money? I spent my money on some lubricant and handcuffs earlier in the week, and the counselors need cash for the late night pizza & beers. Did you know that you can make a bong out of a 20 oz. coke bottle?? It's really kinda neat. Give my regards to Dad.

Dear Mom,

Forget the money for the lubricant and the handcuffs. We found a way to have fun without those things. Sorry I haven't written. The camp counselors really push us to earn more badges. My favorite couselor reminds me of Rain Man. He's cool. He likes to help me earn my badges. Swell guy. He wanted to know if he could be my bunk partner now that I seem to be the only kid left at camp. I told him it was alright. He's quite smart. He says I shouldn't call myself Liezel anymore. So I'm not.

Signed, Bitch.


I've earned just about every badge I could here at camp. I am sad that camp is coming to an end on Sunday, but I must confess that I am drained. We have worked our asses off at camp. My ass has been sore since camp day one. You'll love how beautiful the sash looks with all the badges. I can't believe I earned the most flexible badge myself! I look forward to seeing you at the pickup. My counselors are really sad to see me go. They said I was the best camper yet! Hopefully your crack addiction won't get in the way of me attending camp next summer. Tell dad to bring the cold sore cream. The counselors are in desperate need.

Sincerely, camp bitch

Off topic:
Got an opportunity to chat with a friend long distance. She lives in New Mexico and I miss her terribly. I'm glad we got to chat last night Chrissy! So if it's 11:00pm Maryland time... it's what time again where you live? ;) Glad to hear things are going well, and let me know when is a good time for me to visit. I'll take the red eye if I have to. Sante Fe, Las Vegas... we'll paint the towns red together, baby! :)

What's it all about Alfie?

Alfie : Whenever you meet a beautiful woman, just remember somewhere there's a man who's sick of shagging her.

I might just be the only one in my demographic to have seen the original movie Alfie. If you've never seen the original and haven't seen it on the big screen the past weekend, here's the movie in a nutshell. What's the movie about: A philosophical womanizer is forced to question his seemingly carefree existence.

Original Movie Facts:

Several well-known actors (including Laurence Harvey (I) and Anthony Newley) turned down the title role due to the then taboo subject matter of abortion. Despite having played "Alfie" on Broadway, actor Terence Stamp categorically declined to reprise the role on film, thus giving his good friend and then roommate Michael Caine (I) the breakthrough role of his career.

*Liezel's movie corner* (I know, I haven't reviewed a movie once yet on my blog. Movie-Fan my ass...) ;)

Liezel's notes: Watching the remake with Jude Law the other night got me thinking. You can't help but feel the movie industry has developed something of an obsession with rehashing the high points on Michael Caine's CV. Some would say that some were unfortunate enough to sit through F. Gary Gray's appalling take on The Italian Job. I happened to like the remake of that classic with Mark Wahlberg and Charlize Theron. And who could forget the bizarre decision hand Sylvester Stallone the lead role in 2000's 'Get Carter'? (Now that was a horrible idea)

This new version of 'Alfie' is, thankfully, much better than the Get Carter remake - but that couldn't prevent me from wondering why anyone felt the need to make it in the first place. I mean, let's face it, the original 'Alfie' is a film where not a lot actually happens - so the fact that it IS original is fairly important. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm saying it's a bad film. It's just that showing us it all again in this day and age seems a completely worthless exercise.

"If movies are our generation's philosophy, then Alfie is Socrates."
- Fred Topel

Liezel's take on the movie:
I love having Jude Law talk to me directly. The camera addressing gag doesn’t always work, but Alfie is so cool he’s awesome. My mode of comparison was not Michael Caine, but rather Hugh Grant in About a Boy, these asshole guys with values that should be morally reprehensible but somehow they make sense and you could see where they’re coming from.

It’s also a phenomenal way to get to know a character. You don’t have to do fake conversations where supporting characters say, “You’re so…” or “Remember that last girl you dated…” He’s telling you his philosophy in a superficial way that reveals his inner workings. Like Hugh Grant’s units of time and single mother dating theory, Alfie has it all figured out.

Back to the camera talking gag, I first saw this trick in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. (My most favorite movie, by the way) I think it works when the character is so cool and admirable that you want to go with him. When the character is lesser, it seems desperate, like, “Please treat me like a cool guy. I’m talking to you through the screen!” Jude Law makes us feel like he's inviting us into his world. He times his glances at the camera perfectly, just like he would give his best friend a glance if we were all hanging out together.

The film is shot with an aggressive style that matches Alfie’s personality. Mixing jump cuts, freeze frames and the occasional still montage, it’s punctuates the film’s messages rather than overshadowing them. Alfie is always on the go, always observing and judging his surroundings, so this style keeps up with his pace and helps us see through his eyes.

Incidentally, after writing the preceding paragraphs, I rewatched the original Alfie. It’s very leisurely though equally daring in its topics. As such, I don’t think there’s really any comparison. It’s just a different interpretation of the character, and since we already have the first one, there’s no reason not to enjoy this.

My favorite movie quotes:

Alfie : My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know.

Alfie : You know what? When I look back on my little life and the birds I've known, and think of all the things they've done for me and the little I've done for them, you'd think I've had the best of it along the line. But what have I got out of it? I've got a bob or two, some decent clothes, a car, I've got me health back and I ain't attached. But I ain't got me peace of mind - and if you ain't got that, you ain't got nothing. I dunno. It seems to me if they ain't got you one way they've got you another. So what's the answer? That's what I keep asking myself - what's it all about? Know what I mean?

I give it a 3 1/2 stars for a remake. See it. I recommend you to do so. :)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Nothing like a little Duran Duran in the morning...

Ok. So I'm a loser. (Well, for serveral reasons)

-Currently jamming to Duran Duran's Want You More & What Happens Tomorrow. Their latest album is awesome. I recommend burning it. I mean buying it.

-Forgot to pay off my cell phone bill. I only discovered this inconvenience THIS MORNING. I'm trying to call ticketmaster for tickets/info to see BB King at DAR Hall in January and I get that Sprint phone guy to press "2" for spanish and "1" for english...

-Awaiting for a confirmation for Conan O Brien tickets. (Yet, my phone is temporarily out of service.) Hmmm.

-I'll probably be hard to reach today. Please refer back to Morse Code when trying to contact me.

My work number is:
(...--, -----, .----) ....., ..---, ---.., ...--, -...., ....., .....

(Yeah, I know Morse Code, bitches!) If you can decipher this "spinx" of a puzzle, much props to you. My phone should be up and running at some point today. Please feel free to harass me at work.

Yes. That's really my work number. And that's really Morse Code.

Le Sigh... God. Get me outta here.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

We should just admit that we live in a culture that promotes impossible standards of beauty

Yes, except men think they're possible.

I got to thinking about relationships and partial lobotomies: two seemingly different ideas that might just be perfect together - like chocolate and peanut butter.

The truth is always a compound of two half - truths, and you never reach it, because there is always something more to say.

Uh oh... They've made another funny movie. Those bastards!!


Possibly the greatest movie line ever:

We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck a asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate. And it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves. Because pussies are an inch and half away from assholes. I don't know much about this crazy crazy world, but I do know this. If you don't let us fuck this asshole we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit.

Go see Team America: World Police. It'll do wonders for your anal warts. :)

It's not the greatest movie ever made. However, the soundtrack, the infamous sex scene, and the celebrity cameos make up for it's lack of movie sophistication. "Matt Damon..." I may have to see this movie again! (Think I am.) It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a movie twice at the theaters.

--Happy Voting! Now get your asses out there and vote!--

(Let's pray that this time tomorrow we'll know who won the presidential election.) I have my money on Ohio being the problem state this election. Let's not forget that the Redskins lost this past Sunday, too. Scroll down for an earlier post about the Redskins/Election myth.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Stercus accidit Shit happens

I used to think those people who sat alone at Starbucks writing on their laptops were pretentious posers. Now I know: They have recently discovered that a cup of joe and an interesting weekend can make for great material. Or at least that's the case with me...

If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it. If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.

I find myself at Starbucks, with a cup of Joe, and continuing the saga of my never-ending novel. To be published at a later date, mind you. It's an unspoken masterpiece I can someday dedicate to all my late night bar crawls and unfortunate accidents. Hell, and that's just the day I was born.

"It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, theres no knowing where you might be swept off to."

I believe a Mr. J.r.r. Tolkien once said that.

Off to redeem what's left of a day off. And my sanity. Blog on.